What causes obesity and how a person can avoid such harmful impact on their body

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Obesity is said to be one of the biggest health problems in today's world. It is usually related to several harmful conditions and can have multiple harmful effects. The harmful effects include a high amount of blood pressure. The harmful effect can also lead to a raised blood sugar level at the same time. People who have obesity for some time are at a much greater risk of heart diseases. They are more likely to develop the risk of type 2 diabetes at the same time. They are at much greater risk than those whose weight is in the normal range. Over the past few years, most scientists and doctors have taken great stress to study the causes of obesity. More than that they study how it can be prevented or treated.

There has been a growing awareness among people regarding the harmful effects of obesity. Teachers make use of the learning management system to spread awareness about the harmful effect of obesity on the education app. This way students can see the live classes to understand the impact it will have on a person's body. The live classes show real-life examples of such harmful effects of obesity and help them become aware of the problems that are associated with it. There is widespread misinformation among people that say weight gain and obesity are because of the lack of willpower among people who do not want to lose weight. This type of information is not entirely true. It is seen that weight gain is a result of eating disorders in a person and the lifestyle changes that there are. Most people are at a setback when it comes to controlling their eating habits. But with proper support and guidance, it can easily be overcome and achieved.

It is said that the lack of physical activity is another serious factor that is related to obesity. It is seen that many people have jobs that make sure that a person is sitting at a desk for most of the day. They also depend on their transport to cover large distances rather than walk or cycle. It is also seen that for relaxation, most people rely on watching TV. If they do not watch Tv they browse the internet or play computer games. They must make sure to take regular exercise otherwise healthy body weight will not be maintained. If a person is not active enough, they are not using the energy provided by the food that they have eaten. The extra energy that the person does not use is stored in the body as fat.

The good news about the problem is that even a good amount of weight loss can improve or prevent the health problems that are seen with obesity. A good diet increases the physical activity of the person and can help a person in losing weight. Similarly, behavior changes can help a person lose weight. Prescription by the doctors or the weight-loss methods serves as an additional option for a person to treat obesity. Here are other ways a person can prevent the risk of obesity.

Natural or via family

The genes that a person inherits from their parents affect the amount of body fat that they store. It also determines where the fat is distributed or stored. Genes may play a role in how a person's body reacts to the food that they consume. The body of a person converts food into energy as we all know. Genes will determine how the body of a person regulates their appetite. It also depends on how much the body burns calories when a person exercises. Obesity, it is said, is likely to run in families. This is not just because of the genes that a person shares with their family. It is also about the eating and activity habits that a family has. If a person has healthy eating habits then most likely it comes from the family.

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise can help a person avoid the problems of obesity. They can take out some time every day to become fit and healthy.

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