Prospects and challenges for sustainable food systems LV0103 HT2024

Welcome to the course!


We are delighted to have you here at SLU, Ultuna

You can find all course information here at the course page in Canvas. We will also use Canvas to communicate during the course, either through messages or in the form of announcements that appear at the top of this page.

First of all, please add a short introduction of yourself here. This is to make it easier for you to get to know one another and for us teachers to get to know you.

The course is structured around four themes where each theme contains a set of lectures, tasks and other activities. Each theme has its own module here on Canvas where you can find an introduction to the theme and instructions for tasks etc.

Below is an overview of the course schedule and activities. A calendar symbol (schedule_icon.PNG) indicates scheduled activities and a paper-and-pen symbol (assignment_icon.PNG) indicates due dates for tasks and other assignments. Scheduled activities marked with (!!!) have mandatory presence. By clicking on an activity you are redirected to the Canvas Calendar where you find additional information, including location, literature to read and links to any instructions. All course literature can also be found here. The schedule here on Canvas includes all activities and will be updated in case of any changes while schedules found in other places (e.g. TimeEdit) may be incomplete and outdated. This is a full-time course which means that all unscheduled time is time for reading course literature or working on course tasks.

Lecture slides and other materials associated to the lectures will be continuously added on this page.

A list of all teachers involved in the course including contact details can be found here.

If you need help finding your way around the campus, here is a map with the different buildings that will be used throughout the course indicated with red numbers.

Grading criteria can be found here.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions and we hope that you will enjoy this course!

// The course leaders – Pernilla Tidåker and Johan Karlsson

Course summary:

Date Details Due